Teachers Craft - How is PBL Curriculum Developed?
What steps are the teachers taking while creating curriculum for PBL? How are they coming up with original lessons? What have they learned along the way about their craft? What would they tell a beginning teacher about craftsmanship? How do they use the available technology to support the lessons they are creating?
Conversational Practice
The attending group will discuss, with teachers and me, about their practice and ask non-teachers about how they perceive this practice (the act of creating curriculum) and see where this leads the conversation. I will guide the conversation along and give attention to the teachers doing PBL math and/or languages. Two SLA (Center-City & Beeber Campus) Teachers will attend to add detail to this discussion. A live Google Doc will be shared to capture resources.
Conversation Links
Marcie Hull
Alexandra Spencer
Nancy IronsideSLA-MS
Kristina JasminNeoCity Academy
Michael MeechinPrincipal, NeoCity Academy
Allison Sherman
Mia Seymour
Katie Amenta
Justin SeaboltAssistant Principal, NeoCity Academy
Stacie McCoy
Matthew RecoreBerlin High School
Melissa ThompsonEdutopia/George Lucas Educational Foundation
Olivia Sufka
Liz BurianekWorcester Academy
Ed Allen
Lior SchenkThe Environmental Charter School at Frick Park
Michal EttingerJDC
Rachelle Strang
farheen khan
Linda ShafferSchool Lane Charter School
Wendy GalsonSelf-employed psychologist
Laura Esty
Rachel Garcia
Joseph DiMino
Courtney EverettBelmont Charter Middle School
Chelsey Davis
Maciej DziedzicUniversity of Pennsylvania
Yonsoo KangJohn F. Kennedy High School
Kaitlyn CroninThe Sage School
Sarah Bower-GriecoSLA-MS
Alex PearsonFriends' Central School
Tod WitmanSchuylkill Valley School District
Michael FranklinSLA-MS
Meredith MartinSLAMS
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