
During each of the six breakout sessions throughout the weekend, a large number of conversations will take place. This site will help you organize your plan for the weekend and provide the relevant information for each conversation. After signing in, search through the conversations below and mark the sessions you are interested in to populate your personal schedule on the right (or below if on your mobile phone).

How to Guard Against Biased Grading

Session 1
Marc Ottaviani and Tricia Stanley

Unless we actively guard against implicit bias in our grading practices, assessment outcomes become inauthentic as they can promote racial inequity. It is only through transparent assessment systems and culturally relevant pedagogy, that we can better prepare our students to be independent learners and assess them fairly. In this session, participants will be guided through a series of interactions around assessment and bias.

Stories Behind the Stories: A Student Created Textbook

Session 3
Karen Falcon, Jamila Carter

In this workshop, students and graduates from Jubilee School will present stories and illustrations from the textbook they have written, called "Journey to the Core of the Twentieth Century". They will discuss the learning process behind their work, and for the alumni, what it means to them years later. Workshop participants will discuss paths to discover under-told stories from their local and global communities, and will work together to find ways to make the stories known through writing and the arts.

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